
понедельник, 8 декабря 2014 г.

Зимовка кактусов с онлайн контролем температуры


import io, os, re, traceback
import BaseHTTPServer, urlparse, base64
import dateutil.parser
import matplotlib, numpy
import scipy.interpolate
from matplotlib import pylab
from itertools import groupby
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

HOST = "stepan.local"
PORT = 8080
USERNAME = "cactus"
PASSWORD = "forever"

LOGFILE = "cactuslog.txt"
CMDFILE = "cactuscmd.txt"

FONT = "Arial"


MAGIC = 10101

# time difference in seconds between real time and log time

OFF, ON, AUTO = 0, 1, 2


class CactusHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
if not self.authorize(): return

url = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
query = urlparse.parse_qs(url.query)

pending = False
if "mode" in query and "hfrom" in query and "hto" in query:
pending = True
mode = int(query["mode"][0])
heaterFrom = float(query["hfrom"][0])
heaterTo = float(query["hto"][0])
self.update_params(mode, heaterFrom, heaterTo)

if self.path in [ "/cactus.png", "/favicon.ico" ]:

def authorize(self):
if self.headers.getheader("Authorization") == None:
return self.send_auth()
auth = self.headers.getheader("Authorization")
code = re.match(r"Basic (\S+)", auth)
if not code: return self.send_auth()
data = base64.b64decode(code.groups(0)[0])
code = re.match(r"(.*):(.*)", data)
if not code: return self.send_auth()
user, password = code.groups(0)[0], code.groups(0)[1]
if user != USERNAME or password != PASSWORD:
return self.send_auth()
return True

def send_auth(self):
self.send_header("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Cactus\"")
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
return False

def send_default(self):

""".format(imageCode = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAYAAAAGCAYAAADgzO9IAAA" + "AJ0lEQVQIW2NkwA7+M2IR/w8UY0SXAAuCFCNLwAWRJVAEYRIYgiAJALsgBgYb" + "CawOAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC")) def address_string(self): host, port = self.client_address[:2] return host def update_params(self, mode, heaterFrom, heaterTo): if max(mode, heaterFrom, heaterTo) >= MAGIC: print "invalid params values" return fout = open(CMDFILE, "w") fout.write("%d %d %.1f %.1f" % (MAGIC, mode, heaterFrom, heaterTo)) fout.close() def send_image(self, path): filename = os.path.basename(path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) fimage = open(filename) self.send_response(200) format = { ".png" : "png", ".ico" : "x-icon" } self.send_header("Content-type", "image/" + format[ext]) self.send_header("Content-length", os.path.getsize(filename)) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(fimage.read()) fimage.close() def fix_time(self, X): time = X[0].timetuple() if time.tm_hour == 0 and time.tm_min <= 11: X[0] -= timedelta(seconds = time.tm_min * 60 + time.tm_sec) time = X[-1].timetuple() if time.tm_hour == 23 and time.tm_min >= 49: offset = (60 - time.tm_min - 1) * 60 + (60 - time.tm_sec - 1) X[-1] += timedelta(seconds = offset) def send_page(self, pending): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() data, flog = [ ], None while not flog: try: flog = open(LOGFILE) except: traceback.print_exc() mode, heater, heaterFrom, heaterTo = AUTO, 0, 5, 10 for s in flog: row = tuple(s.strip().split(",")) offset = timedelta(seconds = LOG_TIME_OFFSET_SEC) date = dateutil.parser.parse(row[0]) + offset temp = float(row[1]) if len(row) == 3: heater = int(row[2]) elif len(row) >= 3: mode, heater = int(row[2]), int(row[3]) heaterFrom, heaterTo = float(row[4]), float(row[5]) data.append((date, temp, heater)) nowDate = datetime.now().date() Yavg = [ [] for foo in numpy.arange(0, 24 * 3600, GRAPH_STEP_SEC) ] matplotlib.rc("font", family = FONT, size = FONT_SIZE) fig = pylab.figure(figsize = (964 / 100.0, 350 / 100.0), dpi = 100) ax = pylab.axes() for date, points in groupby(data, lambda foo: foo[0].date().isoformat()): X, Y, H = zip(*points) deltaDays = (nowDate - X[0].date()).days if deltaDays > STATS_DAYS_NUM: continue if len(X) == 1: continue # convert to same day data alpha = [1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0][min(3, deltaDays)] X = Xsrc = [ datetime.combine(nowDate, foo.time()) for foo in X ] self.fix_time(X) # resample X and Y P = [ (foo - X[0]).seconds for foo in X ] Q = numpy.arange(0, P[-1], GRAPH_STEP_SEC) X = [ X[0] + timedelta(seconds = int(foo)) for foo in Q ] fresample = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(P, Y) Y = fresample(Q) # smooth Y Y = [ Y[0] ] * SMOOTH_WINDOW + list(Y) + [ Y[-1] ] * SMOOTH_WINDOW window = numpy.ones(SMOOTH_WINDOW * 2 + 1) / float(SMOOTH_WINDOW * 2 + 1) Y = numpy.convolve(Y, window, 'same') Y = Y[SMOOTH_WINDOW:-SMOOTH_WINDOW] fresample = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(Q, Y) # gather points for stats curve for i in range(len(Q)): Yavg[i].append(Y[i]) # plot stats curve if deltaDays == 3: self.fix_time(X) Ymin = [ min(foo or [0]) for foo in Yavg ][:len(X)] Ymax = [ max(foo or [0]) for foo in Yavg ][:len(X)] pylab.fill(X + list(reversed(X)), Ymax + list(reversed(Ymin)), color = "blue", alpha = 0.10) if alpha == 0: continue pylab.plot(X, Y, linewidth = 2, color = "blue", alpha = alpha) # draw heater for heater, points in groupby(zip(Xsrc, H), lambda foo: foo[1] != 0): XX, H = zip(*points) if heater: p = (XX[0] - X[0]).seconds x1, y1 = XX[0], fresample(p) if (XX[-1] - XX[0]).seconds > 600: x2 = XX[0] + timedelta(seconds = 600) y2 = fresample(p + 600) arrow = dict(facecolor = "red", width = 2, headwidth = 6, frac = 0.40, alpha = alpha, edgecolor = "red") ax.annotate("", xy = (x2, y2), xytext = (x1, y1), arrowprops = arrow) else: ax.plot(x1, y1, "ro", markersize = 4, mec = "red", alpha = alpha) ax.xaxis_date() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter("%H:%M")) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.dates.HourLocator()) ax.xaxis.grid(True, "major") ax.yaxis.grid(True, "major") ax.tick_params(axis = "both", which = "major", direction = "out", labelright = True) ax.tick_params(axis = "x", which = "major", labelsize = 8) ax.grid(which = "major", alpha = 1.0) fig.autofmt_xdate() pylab.tight_layout() image = io.BytesIO() pylab.savefig(image, format = "png") pylab.clf() image.seek(0) graph = "" % \ base64.b64encode(image.getvalue()) image.close() pending = pending or os.path.isfile(CMDFILE) self.wfile.write(re.sub(r"{\s", r"{{ ", re.sub(r"\s}", r" }}", """

Cactus Tracker



heat from to °C

""")).format( font = FONT, fontSize = FONT_SIZE, graph = graph, mode = mode, heaterFrom = heaterFrom, heaterTo = heaterTo, modeOff = (mode == OFF) and "selected" or "", modeOn = (mode == ON) and "selected" or "", modeAuto = (mode == AUTO) and "selected" or "", pending = pending and "20" or "1200", disabled = pending and "disabled=true" or "", transparent = pending and "pending" or "", heaterAuto = (mode != AUTO) and "hidden" or "")) ######################################################################################### server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer((HOST, PORT), CactusHandler) server.serve_forever() #########################################################################################

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