// Decompiled by DJ v3.12.12.96 Copyright 2011 Atanas Neshkov Date: 09.04.2015 17:11:59
// Home Page: http://ift.tt/1yYLFDp http://ift.tt/1yzSe41 - Check often for new version!
// Decompiler options: packimports(3)
package com.adobe.cfg;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class h
private static final int a(int i, int j)
int _tmp = j + i >> 24;
return i >>> j | i << -j;
private static final int a(byte abyte0[], int i)
int j;
byte byte0;
j = abyte0[14] << 16;
byte0 = 0;
byte byte1 = 0;
if(byte0 != 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1
int l;
byte0 = 3;
l = i & 0xff;
int i1;
byte byte3;
i1 = 0xff & abyte0[l] | (0xff & abyte0[0xff & i >> 8]) << 8 | (0xff & abyte0[0xff & i >> 16]) << 16;
byte3 = abyte0[0xff & i >> 24];
j = i1 | byte3 << 24;
return j;
Exception exception;
if(byte1 != 0) goto _L4; else goto _L3
int k;
byte1 = 2;
k = i & 0x7f;
byte byte2 = abyte0[k];
return byte2 >> 8;
Exception exception1;
if(true) goto _L6; else goto _L5
static final String a(String s)
int ai1[];
int ai2[];
int ai3[];
int ai4[];
int ai5[];
byte abyte0[];
char ac[];
int j1;
int k1;
int l1;
int i2;
boolean flag;
if(a == null)
Object aobj[] = (Object[])(Object[])((Method)a[8]).invoke(((Method)a[7]).invoke(null, null), null);
StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringbuilder.append(((Method)a[10]).invoke(aobj[((Integer)a[12]).intValue()], null));
int i = stringbuilder.append(((Method)a[11]).invoke(aobj[((Integer)a[12]).intValue()], null)).toString().hashCode();
int ai[] = (int[])(int[])a[6];
int j = i ^ ai[0];
int k = i ^ ai[1];
int l = i ^ ai[2];
int i1 = i ^ ai[3];
ai1 = (int[])(int[])a[5];
ai2 = (int[])(int[])a[1];
ai3 = (int[])(int[])a[2];
ai4 = (int[])(int[])a[3];
ai5 = (int[])(int[])a[4];
abyte0 = (byte[])(byte[])a[0];
ac = (char[])(char[])((Method)a[9]).invoke(s, null);
j1 = l;
k1 = k;
l1 = j;
i2 = i1;
flag = false;
if(flag) goto _L2; else goto _L1
int j2 = ac.length;
int k2 = 0;
if(k2 >= j2) goto _L2; else goto _L3
if(k2 % 8 != 0)
int l2;
int i3;
int j3;
int k3;
l2 = l1 ^ ai1[0];
i3 = k1 ^ ai1[1];
j3 = j1 ^ ai1[2];
k3 = i2 ^ ai1[3];
int l3 = 4;
if(l3 >= 36)
break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */
int i4;
int j4;
int k4;
int l4;
i4 = ai2[0xff & l2] ^ ai3[0xff & i3 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & j3 >> 16] ^ ai5[k3 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3];
j4 = ai2[i3 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & j3 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & k3 >> 16] ^ ai5[l2 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3 + 1];
k4 = ai2[j3 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & k3 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & l2 >> 16] ^ ai5[i3 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3 + 2];
l4 = ai2[k3 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & l2 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & i3 >> 16] ^ ai5[j3 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3 + 3];
int i5 = l3 + 4;
l2 = ai2[i4 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & j4 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & k4 >> 16] ^ ai5[l4 >>> 24] ^ ai1[i5];
i3 = ai2[j4 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & k4 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & l4 >> 16] ^ ai5[i4 >>> 24] ^ ai1[i5 + 1];
j3 = ai2[k4 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & l4 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & i4 >> 16] ^ ai5[j4 >>> 24] ^ ai1[i5 + 2];
k3 = ai2[l4 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & i4 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & j4 >> 16] ^ ai5[k4 >>> 24] ^ ai1[i5 + 3];
l3 = i5 + 4;
if(true) goto _L5; else goto _L4
int j5;
int k5;
int l5;
int i6;
j5 = ai2[0xff & l2] ^ ai3[0xff & i3 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & j3 >> 16] ^ ai5[k3 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3];
k5 = ai2[i3 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & j3 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & k3 >> 16] ^ ai5[l2 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3 + 1];
l5 = ai2[j3 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & k3 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & l2 >> 16] ^ ai5[i3 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3 + 2];
i6 = ai2[k3 & 0xff] ^ ai3[0xff & l2 >> 8] ^ ai4[0xff & i3 >> 16] ^ ai5[j3 >>> 24] ^ ai1[l3 + 3];
int j6 = l3 + 4;
int k6;
int l6;
l1 = 0xff & abyte0[j5 & 0xff] ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & k5 >> 8]) << 8 ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & l5 >> 16]) << 16 ^ abyte0[i6 >>> 24] << 24 ^ ai1[j6 + 0];
k1 = 0xff & abyte0[k5 & 0xff] ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & l5 >> 8]) << 8 ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & i6 >> 16]) << 16 ^ abyte0[j5 >>> 24] << 24 ^ ai1[j6 + 1];
j1 = 0xff & abyte0[l5 & 0xff] ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & i6 >> 8]) << 8 ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & j5 >> 16]) << 16 ^ abyte0[k5 >>> 24] << 24 ^ ai1[j6 + 2];
k6 = 0xff & abyte0[i6 & 0xff] ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & j5 >> 8]) << 8 ^ (0xff & abyte0[0xff & k5 >> 16]) << 16 ^ abyte0[l5 >>> 24] << 24;
l6 = ai1[j6 + 3];
i2 = l6 ^ k6;
byte byte0 = 0;
if(byte0 != 0) goto _L7; else goto _L6
byte0 = 3;
k2 % 8;
JVM INSTR tableswitch 0 7: default 1566
// 0 1400
// 1 1420
// 2 1437
// 3 1457
// 4 1474
// 5 1494
// 6 1511
// 7 1531;
goto _L7 _L8 _L9 _L10 _L11 _L12 _L13 _L14 _L15
ac[k2] = (char)(l1 >> 16 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
ac[k2] = (char)(l1 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
ac[k2] = (char)(k1 >> 16 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
ac[k2] = (char)(k1 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
ac[k2] = (char)(j1 >> 16 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
ac[k2] = (char)(j1 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
ac[k2] = (char)(i2 >> 16 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
ac[k2] = (char)(i2 ^ ac[k2]);
goto _L7
return new String(ac);
Throwable throwable;
flag = true;
goto _L16
goto _L17
Throwable throwable1;
goto _L18
public static String a(String s, String s1, Context context)
return context.getSharedPreferences(s, 4).getString(s1, null);
private static final void a()
int ai[];
byte abyte0[];
int ai1[];
int ai2[];
int ai3[];
int ai4[];
int ai5[];
byte byte0;
ai = new int[256];
abyte0 = new byte[256];
ai1 = new int[256];
ai2 = new int[256];
ai3 = new int[256];
ai4 = new int[256];
ai5 = new int[30];
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
for(; i < 256; i++)
ai[i] = j;
j ^= j << 1 ^ 283 * (j >>> 7);
abyte0[0] = 99;
byte0 = 0;
if(byte0 != 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1
int j3 = 0;
int i5;
if(j3 >= 255)
break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */
i5 = 255 - j3;
int j5 = ai[i5];
int k5 = j5 | j5 << 8;
abyte0[ai[j3]] = (byte)(0x63 ^ (k5 ^ (k5 >> 4 ^ k5 >> 5 ^ k5 >> 6 ^ k5 >> 7)));
if(true) goto _L4; else goto _L3
int k3;
if(k3 >= 256)
int l3 = 0xff & abyte0[k3];
int j4;
int i4 = l3 << 1 ^ 283 * (l3 >>> 7);
j4 = -1 & (i4 ^ ((l3 ^ i4) << 24 ^ l3 << 16 ^ l3 << 8));
ai1[k3] = j4;
ai2[k3] = j4 << 8 | j4 >>> -8;
ai3[k3] = j4 << 16 | j4 >>> -16;
ai4[k3] = j4 << 24 | j4 >>> -24;
goto _L5
int l4;
if(l4 >= 30) goto _L2; else goto _L6
int k4;
ai5[l4] = k4;
k4 = k4 << 1 ^ 283 * (k4 >>> 7);
goto _L7
byte abyte1[];
byte abyte2[];
byte abyte3[];
int k;
abyte1 = new byte[16];
abyte2 = (new byte[] {
-43, 29, -111, 88, -115, 77, 34, 28, -101, 103,
85, 104, 109, 124, -104, -72, -18, 125, -60, 43,
-49, 101, 37, 15, 126, 29, -14, -89, -22, 99,
-76, 50, 45, 36, 71, 52, 54, 63, -47, -110,
-30, 83, -76, 80, -105, -53, 53, 96, 9, -93,
10, -54, -64, -96, 123, 113, -112, 25, -68, -108,
13, -24, -115, 77, 28, 63, 4, -98, 21, -122,
-3, 60, 88, -90, -26, -46, -85, 55, -118, -58,
16, -67, 37, 71, 55, -77, 82, -15, 6, 102,
-78, 102, 66, -74, -33, 88, -114, -123, 56, 47,
-18, 104, 26, 17, -97, -16, -4, 8, 108, -95,
-103, 46, 79, -81, -35, -57, 18, 15, 81, -17,
41, -24, 16, 35, 66, -109, 6, 15, 109, 41,
-19, 122, -59, -34, -38, -104, 20, 51, -69, -58,
119, -59, 23, 12, 35, 6, -76, 51, -41, -35,
99, 69, 117, -91, -92, 104, -80, -42, -83, -5,
-106, -116, 118, 102, 125, 104, 115, 54, 24, -109,
121, 1, -35, -4, -115, -48, 15, -10, -6, -34,
108, -70, 17, 97, -35, -111, 58, 101, 30, 101,
120, -32, 22, -46, -86, -19, -102, 85, 114, -124,
-80, 14, -54, -67, -46, -83, 2, -120, 93, 22,
125, 83, -94, 64, 48, -91, -35, 39, 124, -69,
-17, 114, -72, -100, -113, -28, 33, -21, -66, 71,
76, 84, 0, 51, -84, -20, 32, -75, 76, -86,
-96, 9, 42, -56, -74, -99, -42, -16, 19, -123,
-44, 85, 1, 9, 117, -43
abyte3 = (new byte[] {
-123, 111, 49, -125, 114, -78, -100, 115, -64, 12,
-13, 92, -112, 46, -70, 9, 47, 2, -102, 112,
-70, -71, -56, 94, -21, 83, -102, 49, -120, 75,
53, -38, -65, -14, 78, 111, -60, 46, 108, 77,
-21, 119, 102, 48, 40, -68, 16, -126, 96, 28,
84, 95, -46, -84, -4, -110, -35, -124, -14, 93,
-114, -73, 43, 112, -3, 102, -127, -47, 15, -90,
100, -11, 26, 102, -119, -82, -50, -16, -53, 79,
27, -30, 73, 12, 28, -72, -46, -27, 68, -59,
-52, -66, -54, 42, 64, -13, 79, -86, 91, -61,
-52, -51, 57, 121, 67, -70, -112, -74, -87, 35,
67, 33, -92, 58, 2, -37, 127, 11, 49, 19,
-59, 33, -106, 83, 45, -52, 39, 60, -42, -80,
-89, -47, -68, -124, 90, -74, -23, 81, 68, -112,
-41, -20, -55, -38, -16, 48, -33, -82, 109, -81,
78, 52, -112, -121, -44, 23, 107, 37, -65, 22,
22, -4, -37, -63, -124, -41, 45, 96, -93, -104,
81, 79, -11, -72, 78, -55, 110, -93, 15, 72,
60, -27, -84, 126, 114, 68, 102, -55, 38, -98,
-87, 45, 36, 75, -15, -55, 7, 100, 114, -39,
-1, 119, -87, -102, -79, 76, 93, -56, 9, -100,
-33, -65, -55, 70, 43, -125, 24, 124, -73, -46,
92, -121, 101, 122, -41, -11, 109, -52, 63, 65,
-65, -87, -107, 112, -74, -63, 70, -78, -37, 0,
85, -7, -82, -92, 34, -24, -75, -18, -44, 38,
68, 49, 76, 50, 123, -105
k = 0;
if(k != 0) goto _L9; else goto _L8
abyte1[0] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[138]];
abyte1[1] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[115]];
abyte1[2] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[203]];
abyte1[3] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[169]];
abyte1[4] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[225]];
abyte1[5] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[93]];
abyte1[6] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[154]];
abyte1[7] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[214]];
abyte1[8] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[205]];
abyte1[9] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[191]];
abyte1[10] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[43]];
abyte1[11] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[149]];
abyte1[12] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[101]];
abyte1[13] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[245]];
abyte1[14] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[221]];
abyte1[15] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[57]];
int ai6[];
int l;
ai6 = new int[44];
l = 0;
if(l != 0) goto _L11; else goto _L10
int j1;
int k1;
int l1;
j1 = l + 3;
k1 = 0;
l1 = 0;
int i2 = 0;
if(i2 != 0) goto _L13; else goto _L12
i2 += 3;
if(l1 >= 16) goto _L13; else goto _L14
int i3 = 3 & k1 + 4 * (k1 >> 2);
ai6[i3] = 0xff & abyte1[l1] | (0xff & abyte1[l1 + 1]) << 8 | (0xff & abyte1[l1 + 2]) << 16 | abyte1[l1 + 3] << 24;
l1 += 4;
goto _L15
abyte1[8] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[205]];
abyte1[9] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[191]];
abyte1[10] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[43]];
abyte1[11] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[149]];
abyte1[12] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[101]];
abyte1[13] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[245]];
abyte1[14] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[221]];
abyte1[15] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[57]];
goto _L16
Throwable throwable;
abyte1[8] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[205]];
abyte1[9] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[191]];
abyte1[10] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[43]];
abyte1[11] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[149]];
abyte1[12] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[101]];
abyte1[13] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[245]];
abyte1[14] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[221]];
abyte1[15] = abyte2[0xff & abyte3[57]];
throw throwable;
int j2 = 4;
int k2;
if(j2 >= 44)
break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */
k2 = 4 * (j2 - 1 >> 2) + (3 & j2 - 1);
int l2 = ai6[k2];
if(j2 % 4 != 0)
l2 = a(abyte0, a(l2, 8)) ^ ai5[-1 + j2 / 4];
ai6[4 * (j2 >> 2) + (j2 & 3)] = l2 ^ ai6[4 * (j2 - 4 >> 2) + (3 & j2 - 4)];
if(true) goto _L17; else goto _L11
int ai7[] = {
0xe0d51d94, 0x879e5437, 0x27b86eae, 0x222ba2fb
Object aobj[] = new Object[13];
aobj[0] = abyte0;
aobj[1] = ai1;
aobj[2] = ai2;
aobj[3] = ai3;
aobj[4] = ai4;
aobj[5] = ai6;
aobj[6] = ai7;
char ac[] = {
'?', '~', '\007', '\271', '\uFFBB', '\271', '\203', '\212', '\002', '\225',
'\251', '\320', '\337', '\341', '\uFFF9', '\034', 'Q', '\362', '6', '\235',
'4', '\323', '\231', 'c', '\346', '\217', 'W', '\b', 'N', '\312',
'\031', '\246', '\200', '\230', '\250', '\227', '\241', '\223', 'C', '\uFFF3',
'E', '\270', '\036', '\261', '\r', ',', 'c', '\314', 'j', '\021',
'q', '\uFFF8', '\023', '\024', '\355', '\332', '\uFFFE', '\200', '0', '\003',
'P', 'P', '\uFFEE', '\277', ']', '\261', 'v', '\uFFFF', '\216', '\uFFF0',
'^', '\262', '\271', '\uFFD4', 'R', '3', '\031', '\236', '\uFFB8', '\031',
'\204', '\036', '\210', '\262', '\213', '%', '\263', 'T', 'k', '\253',
'\036', '\313', '\257', '\033', 'M', '\314', '\uFFF5', '\uFFEA', '\254', 'r',
'Z', '\311', '\215', '\204', '\uFFED', 'Q', 'i', 'm', '\323', '\006',
'\r', '{', '\264', '#', 'E', '6', 'v', ']', '\262', '\\',
'\216', 'I', '~', '\207', '\264', '\002', 'o', 's', '\233', '\230',
'`', '\250', '\030', 'W', 'M', '\f', 'y', '\240', '\013', '8',
'\346', '5', '|', '~', '\227', 'o', '\031', '\246', '>', 'B',
'\327', '\265', '\332', '\027', '\027', '\321', '#', 'J', '\uFFDB', 'n',
'\017', '\uFFFF', '\244', '\312', '\336', '\324', '\351', '\237', '\203', '\uFFC1',
'\357', 'n', '\013', 'h', '\uFFF6', '2', 'p', 'd', '^', 'P',
'\333', '#', 'u', '\217', 'L', '\004', 'h', '\247', '\223', '\316',
'\344', 'D', 'i', '\027', '\uFFFC', '6', '\uFFDB', '\241', '\334', '\uFFE5',
'&', 'o', '\uFFF8', ')', '3', '\033', 'i', '\uFFB6', '\260', '\212',
'\357', '\274', '\020', '\247', '\230', '\006', 'P', '\217', '\277', '*',
'S', '\327'
for(int i1 = 0; i1 < ac.length; i1++)
ac[i1] = (char)(ac[i1] - abyte2[i1 % abyte2.length]);
aobj[7] = Class.forName(String.valueOf(ac, 0, 16)).getMethod(String.valueOf(ac, 16, 13), null);
aobj[8] = Class.forName(String.valueOf(ac, 0, 16)).getMethod(String.valueOf(ac, 29, 13), null);
aobj[9] = Class.forName(String.valueOf(ac, 42, 16)).getMethod(String.valueOf(ac, 58, 11), null);
aobj[10] = Class.forName(String.valueOf(ac, 69, 27)).getMethod(String.valueOf(ac, 96, 12), null);
aobj[11] = Class.forName(String.valueOf(ac, 69, 27)).getMethod(String.valueOf(ac, 108, 13), null);
Class class1 = Class.forName(String.valueOf(ac, 121, 27));
String s = String.valueOf(ac, 148, 3);
Class aclass[] = new Class[1];
aclass[0] = Class.forName(String.valueOf(ac, 42, 16));
Method method = class1.getMethod(s, aclass);
Object aobj1[] = new Object[1];
aobj1[0] = String.valueOf(ac, 151, 25);
String s1 = (String)method.invoke(null, aobj1);
byte byte1;
Exception exception;
Exception exception1;
Exception exception2;
Exception exception3;
if(s1 != null && s1.hashCode() == 0x145eec8c && android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21)
byte1 = 4;
byte1 = 5;
aobj[12] = Integer.valueOf(byte1);
a = aobj;
byte0 = 2;
goto _L18
l = j1;
goto _L19
goto _L20
goto _L21
k3 = 0;
goto _L5
k4 = 1;
l4 = 0;
goto _L7
public static void a(String s, String s1, String s2, Context context)
android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor editor = context.getSharedPreferences(s, 4).edit();
editor.putString(s1, s2);
private static transient Object a[];
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