
пятница, 15 января 2016 г.

Читаем контейнер закрытого ключа КриптоПро средствами OpenSSL

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/cms.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include "gost_lcl.h"

/* Convert little-endian byte array into bignum */
BIGNUM *reverse32bn(char *b, BN_CTX *ctx)
        BIGNUM *res;
        char buf[32];
        BUF_reverse(buf, b, 32);
        res = BN_bin2bn(buf, 32, BN_CTX_get(ctx));
        OPENSSL_cleanse(buf, sizeof(buf));
        return res;

void xor_material(char *buf36, char *buf5C, char *src)
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                buf36[i] = src[i] ^ 0x36;
                buf5C[i] = src[i] ^ 0x5C;

int make_pwd_key(char *result_key, char *start12, int start12_len, char *passw)
        int result;
        int i;
        char pincode4[1024];
        int pin_len;
        char current[32];
        char material36[32];
        char material5C[32];
        char hash_result[32];
        gost_hash_ctx ctx;
        init_gost_hash_ctx(&ctx, &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
        memset(pincode4, 0, sizeof(pincode4));
        pin_len = strlen(passw);
        if (pin_len*4 > sizeof(pincode4)) {  result = 1;     goto err; }
        for(i = 0; i < pin_len; i++)
                pincode4[i*4] = passw[i];

        hash_block(&ctx, start12, start12_len);
        if (pin_len) 
                hash_block(&ctx, pincode4, pin_len * 4);
        finish_hash(&ctx, hash_result);

        memcpy(current, (char*)"DENEFH028.760246785.IUEFHWUIO.EF", 32);

        for(i = 0; i < (pin_len?2000:2); i++)
                xor_material(material36, material5C, current);
                hash_block(&ctx, material36, 32);
                hash_block(&ctx, hash_result, 32);
                hash_block(&ctx, material5C, 32);
                hash_block(&ctx, hash_result, 32);
                finish_hash(&ctx, current);

        xor_material(material36, material5C, current);

        hash_block(&ctx, material36, 32);
        hash_block(&ctx, start12, start12_len);
        hash_block(&ctx, material5C, 32);
        if (pin_len) 
                hash_block(&ctx, pincode4, pin_len * 4);
        finish_hash(&ctx, current);

        hash_block(&ctx, current, 32);
        finish_hash(&ctx, result_key);

        result = 0; //ok
        return result;

BIGNUM *decode_primary_key(char *pwd_key, char *primary_key, BN_CTX *bn_ctx)
        BIGNUM *res;
        char buf[32];
        gost_ctx ctx;
        gost_init(&ctx, gost_cipher_list->sblock);
        gost_key(&ctx, pwd_key);
        gost_dec(&ctx, primary_key, buf, 4);
        res = reverse32bn(buf, bn_ctx);
        OPENSSL_cleanse(buf, sizeof(buf));
        return res;

BIGNUM *remove_mask_and_check_public(char *oid_param_set8, BIGNUM *key_with_mask, BIGNUM *mask, char *public8, BN_CTX *ctx)
        int result;
        EC_KEY *eckey = NULL;
        const EC_POINT *pubkey;
        const EC_GROUP *group;
        BIGNUM *X, *Y, *order, *raw_secret, *mask_inv;
        char outbuf[32], public_X[32];
        ASN1_OBJECT *obj;
        int nid;

        order = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
        mask_inv = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
        raw_secret = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
        X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
        Y = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
        if (!order || !mask_inv || !raw_secret || !X || !Y) { result = 1; goto err; }

        obj = ASN1_OBJECT_create(0, oid_param_set8+1, *oid_param_set8, NULL, NULL);
        nid = OBJ_obj2nid(obj);

        if (!(eckey = EC_KEY_new())) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (!fill_GOST2001_params(eckey, nid)) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (!(group = EC_KEY_get0_group(eckey))) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (!EC_GROUP_get_order(group, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; }

        if (!BN_mod_inverse(mask_inv, mask, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (!BN_mod_mul(raw_secret, key_with_mask, mask_inv, order, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; }

        if (!EC_KEY_set_private_key(eckey, raw_secret)) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (!gost2001_compute_public(eckey)) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (!(pubkey = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(eckey))) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pubkey, X, Y, ctx)) { result = 1; goto err; }

        store_bignum(X, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
        BUF_reverse(public_X, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
        if (memcmp(public_X, public8, 8) != 0) { result = 1; goto err; }

        result = 0; //ok
        if (eckey) EC_KEY_free(eckey);
        if (result == 0) return raw_secret;
        return NULL;

int file_length(char *fname)
        int len;
        FILE *f = fopen(fname, "rb");
        if (f == NULL) return -1;
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
        len = ftell(f);
        return len;

int read_file(char *fname, int start_pos, char *buf, int len)
        int read_len;
        FILE *f = fopen(fname, "rb");
        if (f == NULL) return 1;
        if (start_pos) fseek(f, start_pos, SEEK_SET);
        read_len = fread(buf, 1, len, f);
        if (read_len != len) return 1;
        return 0; //ok

int get_asn1_len(unsigned char *buf, int *size_hdr)
        int n, i, res;
        int pos = 0;
        if ((buf[pos]&0x80) == 0) {
                *size_hdr = 1;
                return buf[pos];
        n = buf[pos++]&0x7f;
        res = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                res = res*256 + buf[pos++];
        *size_hdr = n+1;
        return res;

#define MAX_HEADER 20000
int read_container(char *fpath, int flag2, char *salt12, char *primary_key, char *masks_key, char *public8, char *oid_param_set8)
        int result;
        char primary_path[1024+30];
        char masks_path[1024+30];
        char header_path[1024+30];
        char header_buf[MAX_HEADER];
        int header_len;
        int i, len, pos, size_hdr;

        if (strlen(fpath)>1024) { result = 1; goto err; }

        sprintf(header_path, "%s/header.key", fpath);
        if (flag2 == 0)
                sprintf(primary_path, "%s/primary.key", fpath);
                sprintf(masks_path, "%s/masks.key", fpath);
                sprintf(primary_path, "%s/primary2.key", fpath);
                sprintf(masks_path, "%s/masks2.key", fpath);

        if (read_file(primary_path, 4, primary_key, 32)) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (read_file(masks_path, 4, masks_key, 32)) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (read_file(masks_path, 0x26, salt12, 12)) { result = 1; goto err; }

        header_len = file_length(header_path);
        if (header_len < 0x42 || header_len > MAX_HEADER) { result = 1; goto err; }
        if (read_file(header_path, 0, header_buf, header_len)) { result = 1; goto err; }

//------------- skip certificate ---------------------------
        pos = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                get_asn1_len(header_buf+pos+1, &size_hdr);
                pos += size_hdr+1;
                if (pos > header_len-8) { result = 2; goto err; }

//------------------ get oid_param_set8 -----------------------
#define PARAM_SET_POS 34
        if (memcmp(header_buf+pos+PARAM_SET_POS, "\x6\x7", 2) != 0) { result = 2; goto err; }
        memcpy(oid_param_set8, header_buf+pos+PARAM_SET_POS+1, 8);

//------------------ get public8 -----------------------
        result = 2; //not found
        pos += 52;
        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                len = get_asn1_len(header_buf+pos+1, &size_hdr);
                if (len == 8 && memcmp(header_buf+pos, "\x8a\x8", 2) == 0)
                        result = 0; //ok
                pos += len+size_hdr+1;
                if (pos > header_len-8) { result = 2; goto err; }
        OPENSSL_cleanse(header_buf, sizeof(header_buf));
        return result;

#define START_OID 0x12
#define START_KEY 0x28
unsigned char asn1_private_key[72] = {

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int result;
        char *container_path;
        char *passw;
        char salt12[12];
        char primary_key[32];
        char masks_key[32];
        char public8[8];
        char oid_param_set8[8];
        BN_CTX *ctx;
        BIGNUM *key_with_mask;
        BIGNUM *mask;
        BIGNUM *raw_key;
        char pwd_key[32];
        char outbuf[32];

        ctx = BN_CTX_new();

        if (argc == 2)
                container_path = argv[1];
                passw = "";
        if (argc == 3)
                container_path = argv[1];
                passw = argv[2];
                printf("get_private container_path [passw]\n");
                result = 1;
                goto err;

        if (read_container(container_path, 0, salt12, primary_key, masks_key, public8, oid_param_set8) != 0 &&
                read_container(container_path, 1, salt12, primary_key, masks_key, public8, oid_param_set8) != 0)
                printf("can not read container from %s\n", container_path);
                result = 2;
                goto err;

        make_pwd_key(pwd_key, salt12, 12, passw);
        key_with_mask = decode_primary_key(pwd_key, primary_key, ctx);
        OPENSSL_cleanse(pwd_key, sizeof(pwd_key));
        mask = reverse32bn(masks_key, ctx);
        raw_key = remove_mask_and_check_public(oid_param_set8, key_with_mask, mask, public8, ctx);

        if (raw_key)
                BIO *bio;
                store_bignum(raw_key, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
                memcpy(asn1_private_key+START_OID, oid_param_set8, 8);
                memcpy(asn1_private_key+START_KEY, outbuf, 32);
                //bio = BIO_new_file("private.key", "w");
                bio = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE | BIO_FP_TEXT);
                PEM_write_bio(bio, "PRIVATE KEY", "", asn1_private_key, sizeof(asn1_private_key));
                OPENSSL_cleanse(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
                OPENSSL_cleanse(asn1_private_key, sizeof(asn1_private_key));
                result = 0; //ok
                printf("Error check public key\n");
                result = 3;

        OPENSSL_cleanse(salt12, sizeof(salt12));
        OPENSSL_cleanse(primary_key, sizeof(primary_key));
        OPENSSL_cleanse(masks_key, sizeof(masks_key));
        return result;

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